If you’ve been bitten by a dog in Fort Lauderdale, taking the right steps immediately after the incident can significantly affect your health and any potential legal claims you might have. Here’s a detailed guide on what to do:

Immediate Steps After a Dog Bite

  1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health is the top priority. Even if the bite seems minor, it’s crucial to get medical attention because dog bites can lead to serious infections, nerve damage, or worse. A medical professional will document your injuries, which is vital if you decide to pursue a legal claim.
  2. Report the Incident: Report the dog bite to the Fort Lauderdale Animal Control or the local police department. This is not only important for your case but also helps authorities track potentially dangerous animals and prevent future incidents. You can contact the Broward County Animal Care and Adoption Center directly for reporting.
  3. Gather Information: Collect as much information as possible from the dog owner, such as their name, address, phone number, and the dog’s vaccination history. If there are witnesses, get their contact details as well. This information will be valuable in your case.
  4. Document Everything: Take detailed notes about the incident, including where and how it happened. Photograph your injuries, the location of the attack, and the dog if possible. Keep records of all medical treatments and expenses related to the dog bite.
  5. Preserve Clothing and Personal Items: If your clothing was torn or bloodied, save these items in their original state without washing them. They could serve as evidence in your claim.

Thorough documentation of the scene immediately following a dog bite incident is crucial, particularly due to potential actions by the dog owner, such as the post-incident placement of a “Bad Dog” sign. This sign is significant in legal contexts as it can affect the liability of the dog owner under Florida law. If a dog owner hangs a “Bad Dog” sign after an incident has occurred, they might claim it was present before the incident to leverage the limited liability protections the sign offers.

By documenting the scene comprehensively, including taking photos or videos immediately after the incident, you can capture the environment and the absence of any warning signs at the time of the attack. This evidence becomes pivotal when establishing the factual scenario during legal proceedings. It helps counter any claims from the dog owner about pre-existing warnings and ensures that the truth of the situation is accurately represented. This kind of documentation strengthens your case by providing clear, contemporaneous evidence that reflects the conditions at the time of the incident, making it harder for the other party to manipulate the facts to their advantage.

Legal Considerations

Understand Your Rights: Florida’s dog bite law applies a strict liability rule, meaning the dog owner is liable for your injuries even if the dog has never shown aggression before. However, if you were trespassing or provoking the dog, it could affect your claim.

Contact a Personal Injury Attorney: Consult with a personal injury attorney who specializes in dog bite cases in Fort Lauderdale. They can provide you with specific legal advice and help you navigate the claims process. Many attorneys offer free consultations and work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you receive compensation.

Follow Up on the Dog’s Quarantine Status: Check with animal control to see if the dog has been quarantined after the attack. This is a standard procedure to monitor the dog for rabies and other issues, which also adds to the documentation of your case.

Long-Term Considerations

Monitor Your Health: Follow up with healthcare providers as needed, especially if you experience signs of infection or psychological distress such as fear, anxiety, or PTSD, which are common after traumatic events like dog bites.

Consider Ongoing Counseling: Depending on the severity of the incident, you might benefit from professional counseling to help cope with the emotional aftermath of a dog bite.

Stay Organized: Keep all documents, receipts, medical reports, and correspondence related to the incident in one place. This organization will be crucial when negotiating with insurance companies or if your case goes to court.

By following these steps, you’ll not only secure your health and safety but also strengthen any potential legal claims for compensation due to a dog bite in Fort Lauderdale. Remember, consulting with an experienced dog bite lawyer can significantly ease the process and improve your chances of a favorable outcome.

Fort Lauderdale’s Strict Liability in Dog Bite Incidents

Fort Lauderdale enforces a strict liability rule in dog bite cases, holding dog owners responsible for any injuries caused by their dog, irrespective of prior knowledge of the dog’s dangerous propensities or the dog’s intention.  Dog owners in Fort Lauderdale are strictly liable for damages if their dog bites someone in a public area or someone who is lawfully on private property, without the need to show the dog’s previous vicious behavior or the owner’s knowledge of such behavior.

Exceptions to the strict liability rule include cases where the owner has displayed a ‘Bad Dog’ sign or if the victim was trespassing at the time of the dog bite incident.  Understanding Fort Lauderdale’s strict liability law is critical for victims seeking compensation and for dog owners to comprehend the extent of their liability in dog bite incidents.

Trespassing and Provocation Exceptions

Provocation of a dog, such as situations where the dog feels threatened, afraid, or in pain, may lead to a bite incident.  In dog bite claims in Fort Lauderdale, the dog owner can use provocation as a defense, but they must prove that the victim’s actions were responsible for triggering the dog’s aggressive behavior.

Trespassing on private property may reduce the dog owner’s liability if their dog bites someone on their property.

The Role of “Bad Dog” Signs

In Florida, displaying a ‘Bad Dog’ sign can be a defense for dog owners against liability for bites occurring on their property.  If a dog owner’s negligence or the absence of a ‘Bad Dog’ sign contributed to the incident, they may be found liable for damages incurred by the victim.  The effectiveness of a ‘Bad Dog’ sign as a liability defense is limited if an individual is under the age of six or if the victim was on the property legally and did not provoke the dog.

Navigating Dog Owner Responsibilities After a Bite

Following a dog attack, owners in Fort Lauderdale must immediately contain their dog by confining them indoors or behind a fence, or by leash, to prevent further instances of roaming freely and potentially causing more harm.  Dog owners in Fort Lauderdale can face criminal charges in addition to financial liabilities if their dog’s bite results in severe injury or death.  If a dog has not been previously classified as dangerous and bites someone, the owner may face various penalties, such as reduced criminal liability, the possibility of the state confiscating the dog, and monetary fines.

Reporting Requirements for Dog Owners

Dog owners in Florida must report a dog biting incident to local authorities.  Reporting a dog bite to animal control in Florida can support a victim’s case by creating a formal record.  A formal report also helps in taking measures to prevent the dog from causing further harm.

Financial Obligations for Dog Owners

Florida dog owners are liable for all damages resulting from a dog bite, which encompasses medical bills for emergency treatment, physical therapy, and potential reconstructive surgery, as well as lost earnings.  Beyond physical injury, dog owners in Florida are also financially responsible for non-tangible damages such as emotional distress incurred by the victim of a dog bite.

Many Florida homeowners and renters insurance policies provide coverage for injuries resulting from dog bites, alleviating some of the financial burden from the dog owner up to the policy’s limits.

Compensation for Dog Bite Victims in Fort Lauderdale

Victims of dog bites in Fort Lauderdale may be compensated for medical expenses, lost wages from missed work, and pain and suffering incurred as a result of the attack.  Personal injury attorneys in Fort Lauderdale who specialize in dog bite cases offer free consultations to victims and assist in navigating the insurance claims process.

Settlement amounts vary as courts consider multiple factors including visible injuries that may lead to larger settlements and future medical expenses resulting from the dog bite’s long-term effects.

Minor vs. Severe Injuries

Settlement amounts in Fort Lauderdale dog bite cases are influenced by the severity of the injury.  In Fort Lauderdale, relatively minor dog bite injuries typically result in lower settlement offers.

Serious dog bite injuries that lead to lasting impairments or ongoing psychological effects, such as PTSD, can significantly increase the compensation awarded to the victim.  Severe injuries from dog bites are the types of harm that can enhance settlement amounts due to the greater impact they have on the victim’s life.

Psychological Impact and Recovery

Compensation claims in Fort Lauderdale recognize the psychological aftermath of dog bites, encompassing pain and suffering, emotional distress, and the impact of disfigurement.  Children between 5 and 9 are especially at risk for psychological harm from dog bites due to their lack of understanding of the potential danger of dogs and the inability to manage interactions with dogs properly or escape effectively during an attack.

Legal Steps Following a Dog Attack in Fort Lauderdale

Victims should seek immediate medical attention and document their injuries by taking pictures or videos.  It’s crucial to document the incident’s details and exchange information with the dog owner and any witnesses.  The dog attack must be reported to Animal Control in Fort Lauderdale.  Consulting a personal injury attorney is a significant step towards protecting the victim’s legal rights.

Importance of Gathering Evidence

Victims should collect evidence at the scene of the attack, such as taking photographs of the injuries and the location where the incident occurred.  Documenting the incident by writing down everything remembered about the attack, preferably on the same day, contributes to a stronger legal claim.  Collect contact information from witnesses and preserve items like torn clothing or damaged personal belongings as additional evidence.  Immediate gathering of evidence plays a critical role in supporting a personal injury claim after a dog bite.

Finding the Right Dog Bite Attorney

Fort Lauderdale dog bite attorneys play a crucial role in representing individuals who have been attacked by dogs, ensuring their right to fair compensation is upheld.  Dog bite victims can schedule a free consultation with a Fort Lauderdale dog bite attorney, and fees are only required if compensation is successfully recovered for their case.  When choosing a dog bite attorney in Fort Lauderdale, clients should look for a balance between the personalized service typically offered by small firms and the extensive resources available at larger firms.

Common Defenses in Dog Bite Cases

Dog owners may claim provocation as a defense, indicating that the victim’s actions, such as teasing, hitting, or making threatening gestures towards the dog, prompted the dog to bite.  Another defensive argument is that the dog acted out of a protective instinct, either defending its owner or someone else from perceived threats, which can be considered in assessing owner liability.  In Florida, dog owners have several defenses they could potentially raise in response to dog bite claims, which could influence the outcome of the case.

Fort Lauderdale Animal Control: A Critical Resource in Dog Bite Cases

Fort Lauderdale Animal Control plays a pivotal role in managing and mitigating the aftermath of dog bites in Fort Lauderdale. Following a dog bite incident, it is imperative for the victim or witnesses to contact the Broward County Animal Care and Adoption Center. This agency is responsible for enforcing animal control laws, which includes addressing reports of aggressive or dangerous dogs.

By reporting a dog bite to Fort Lauderdale’s Animal Control, the incident is formally documented, which is a crucial step for public safety and legal processes. This report helps in tracking the history of the dog involved and can be instrumental in preventing future attacks. Additionally, Animal Control officers may investigate the circumstances of the incident to determine if the dog poses an ongoing risk to the community.

Here’s what you need to know about engaging with Fort Lauderdale’s Animal Control:

  • Immediate Reporting: As soon as a dog bite occurs, it should be reported to Animal Control. Prompt reporting is vital for accurate documentation and necessary follow-up actions.
  • Investigation and Assessment: Animal Control officers will typically investigate the incident, which may include quarantine of the dog if it is suspected of having rabies or if it has a history of aggression.
  • Supporting Legal Actions: Documentation from Animal Control can be crucial in a dog bite claim, as it provides an official record of the incident and the dog’s history, which can influence legal proceedings.

Comparative Negligence in Florida

Comparative negligence in Florida allows for the reduction of compensation in dog bite cases if the victim is found partially at fault for the incident.  If a victim’s own negligence contributed to the dog bite, their potential compensation may be decreased accordingly.  In instances where the victim is found less than 50% responsible for the dog bite, their compensation is reduced by their exact percentage of fault.


Navigating the complexities of dog bite law in Fort Lauderdale requires a deep understanding of legal statutes, community resources like Animal Control, and the responsibilities of dog ownership. If you find yourself affected by a dog bite, or if you are a dog owner wanting to understand more about your legal responsibilities, Tucker Law is here to provide expert guidance and representation. Contact us at 1-800-TUCKERWINS for a free consultation to discuss your case or learn more about preventive measures against dog bites. Remember, at Tucker Law, we don’t just represent you; we advocate for your right to safety and justice. Don’t just lawyer up—Tucker up!