Matthew Sean Tucker

About Matthew Sean Tucker

Matthew Sean Tucker is an Attorney practicing with a particular focus on patents, trademarks and personal injury, including car accidents, slip & falls, and dog bites, and other acts of negligence. Matthew holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Central Florida. Furthermore, Matthew received his J.D. at the University Of Baltimore School Of Law with a dual concentration in intellectual property law and business law. He is also a member of the Florida Bar, and an inventor of several patent pending inventions.

Unmasking Liability: Who Can Be Held Responsible in a Driverless Car Accident?

In the realm of technology, driverless cars, or autonomous vehicles, have brought about a revolution, ushering in what many believe to be the future of transportation. However, with this exciting advancement comes a new set of legal complexities, particularly when it comes to car accidents involving these vehicles. At Tucker Law, our wealth of experience as accident attorneys allows us to shed light on these complexities. Today, we'll be answering a question that is becoming increasingly relevant: Who can be sued when a driverless car causes an accident? 1. The Vehicle Manufacturer As it relates to autonomous vehicles, the line between a car manufacturer and a tech company is blurry.  If a defect in the vehicle's design or manufacturing process led to the accident, the vehicle manufacturer could potentially be held responsible. 2. The Software Provider Driverless cars operate using advanced software and AI systems. If it can be proven that a software error or malfunction caused the accident, then the software provider or developer might be held liable. 3. The Human Operator or Vehicle Owner While the car may be 'driverless', human oversight is often still necessary for these vehicles. If the accident occurred because the human operator failed to intervene when they should have, they could be held liable. Similarly, the vehicle owner can be held responsible if they failed to maintain the vehicle properly or ignored necessary software updates. 4. Other Parties In some situations, other parties, such as rideshares could also be held liable. For example, a city or state might be sued if poor road conditions or ill-kept traffic signals contributed to the accident. Navigating the legal landscape after a driverless car accident can be confusing due to the multiple [...]

By |2023-04-29T23:45:37-04:00May 4th, 2023|Car Accident, Personal Injury|Comments Off on Unmasking Liability: Who Can Be Held Responsible in a Driverless Car Accident?

The Crucial Importance of Not Providing a Statement to the Insurance Adjuster After a Crash

When you're involved in a car accident, the immediate aftermath can feel overwhelming. Among the flurry of events - contacting law enforcement, ensuring everyone's safety, assessing damage, and dealing with the stress of it all - you might also receive a call from an insurance adjuster. At Tucker Law, we are committed to providing the public with essential advice based on our extensive experience as accident attorneys. We have one significant piece of advice we'd like to share today: Do not give a statement to the insurance adjuster after a crash! Insurance adjusters might seem friendly and concerned about your well-being, but remember, they work for the insurance company, not you. Their primary role is to minimize the amount their company will have to pay out in claims. They may ask about your driving record, who you live with, or how you are feeling.  All things that insurance companies can try to use against you later to avoid paying money. Here's other reasons why you should avoid giving them a statement right after the accident. The Danger of Early Statements When you're still in shock or possibly injured, you might not have a clear understanding of the accident. Your statement at this point might not reflect the reality of the situation. If you say something in error, the insurance company can use it against you to reduce your compensation or even deny your claim altogether. The Risk of Misinterpretation Insurance adjusters are skilled in asking leading or confusing questions. In the chaos and stress post-accident, you might inadvertently agree to something that isn't accurate. It's crucial to have an experienced accident attorney by your side, guiding you through these potentially problematic interactions. Protecting Your Rights [...]

By |2023-04-29T23:35:50-04:00May 3rd, 2023|Car Accident, Personal Injury|Comments Off on The Crucial Importance of Not Providing a Statement to the Insurance Adjuster After a Crash

The Importance of Maintaining a Post-Accident Journal: A Key to Personal Injury Claim

When you find yourself involved in a car accident, the whirlwind of events can leave you feeling disoriented, stressed, and overwhelmed. Amid this chaos, remembering every detail about the incident can be challenging. At Tucker Law, we consistently advocate for a surprisingly simple yet incredibly effective tool to aid in the post-accident process – maintaining a personal injury journal. Why Keep a Post-Accident Journal? Keeping a journal after a car wreck can serve as an invaluable asset when it comes to your personal injury claim. It offers a way to document the accident, your injuries, the treatment you receive, and how the event impacts your daily life. This record can become critical evidence that supports your claim, helping to maximize the compensation you might receive. Documenting the Accident Immediately after an accident, your adrenaline is running high, and you may forget crucial details as time passes. By journaling, you can note down the specifics about the accident while they are still fresh in your mind. Include details like the time, location, weather conditions, traffic patterns, and any other relevant factors that may have contributed to the accident. Chronicling Your Injuries and Medical Treatment In the aftermath of a car wreck, you may experience a wide range of injuries, some of which might not manifest immediately. Tracking your injuries, medical appointments, medications, treatments, and how you feel each day can provide a detailed picture of your recovery journey. This information is essential as it helps establish the correlation between the accident and your injuries. Recording the Impact on Your Daily Life Accidents don't just cause physical injuries; they can affect your overall quality of life. By writing down how your injuries have impacted your daily activities, [...]

By |2023-04-29T23:27:28-04:00May 2nd, 2023|Car Accident, Personal Injury|Comments Off on The Importance of Maintaining a Post-Accident Journal: A Key to Personal Injury Claim

Understanding the Claims Process: Top 3 Things Insurance Adjusters Look for in Florida Police Reports

In the aftermath of an accident, victims often find themselves overwhelmed and unsure of how to navigate the complex world of insurance claims. At Tucker Law, we understand the intricacies of this process and are dedicated to helping you every step of the way. This article sheds light on the top three things claims adjusters look for in Florida police reports, allowing you to better understand their role and how it influences your claim. Details of the Accident First and foremost, insurance adjusters are interested in the specific details of the incident, such as whether a driver was intoxicated. This includes the location, date, time, weather conditions, involved parties, and a description of the accident itself. They scrutinize these details to determine liability – in other words, who is at fault for the accident. Understanding the circumstances surrounding the accident allows the adjuster to establish the validity of the claim and estimate the potential payout. Inconsistencies in the Report Claims adjusters are vigilant about inconsistencies in police reports. They compare the report's narrative with the statements provided by the involved parties, witnesses, and any available surveillance footage. Any discrepancies could indicate possible fraud or exaggeration of the claim. Therefore, always ensure that your account of the incident is accurate and consistent to avoid any potential issues with your claim. Injuries and Damages The extent of injuries and property damage reported in the police report is another critical factor for claims adjusters. They use this information to estimate the potential cost of the claim, including medical expenses, repair costs, and any other related expenses. The more detailed the police report is about the injuries and damages, the more accurate the adjuster's assessment will be. Navigating the [...]

By |2023-04-28T12:10:17-04:00May 1st, 2023|Car Accident, Personal Injury|Comments Off on Understanding the Claims Process: Top 3 Things Insurance Adjusters Look for in Florida Police Reports

Celebrating the Unseen Genius: Recognizing the Contributions of Lesser-Known Inventors

In the world of inventions and discoveries, certain names have claimed an indelible spot in our collective memory. Names such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein are often synonymous with innovation. However, in the shadows of these towering figures, there are lesser-known inventors whose contributions to society are equally impactful, if not more so. At Tucker Law, we believe in recognizing and protecting the rights of all inventors, regardless of the magnitude of their fame. Today, let's delve into the remarkable stories of these unsung heroes of invention. Innovation Beyond the Limelight The world we inhabit today has been sculpted by countless inventors, many of whom rarely receive the credit they deserve. For example, consider the brilliant mind of Hedy Lamarr, a Hollywood actress and an inventor. She co-developed a frequency-hopping system during World War II, a technology that forms the backbone of modern Wi-Fi and Bluetooth systems. Then there's Elijah McCoy, the African American inventor whose automatic oiling device revolutionized the locomotive industry. His invention was so successful that people started asking for 'the real McCoy,' a phrase that has now become part of our everyday lexicon. Protecting Innovations While we laud the accomplishments of these unsung inventors, it's equally important to discuss how their inventions were protected. The realm of patent law is as complex as it is crucial. At Tucker Law, we understand the importance of securing your inventions and safeguarding your intellectual property rights. Whether you're an inventor in the public eye or a lesser-known innovator, your contributions to society deserve to be recognized and protected. Innovators of the Future As we look towards the future, it's important to encourage and support the next generation of lesser-known inventors. [...]

By |2023-04-28T12:01:15-04:00April 28th, 2023|Lesser Known Inventors, Patents|Comments Off on Celebrating the Unseen Genius: Recognizing the Contributions of Lesser-Known Inventors
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