Steering Clear of Distraction: Florida’s Distracted Driving Laws

Florida is well-known for its warm weather, lovely beaches, and numerous attractions. It is, however, a state with a high rate of car accidents, many of which are caused by distracted driving. As a Tucker Law accident attorney, I'm here to give you with a short reference to comprehending some of Florida's distracted driving rules. It is critical to know and obey these guidelines to protect your safety on the road and avoid any legal troubles. Understanding Distracted Driving Distracted driving is defined as any activity that takes a driver's attention away from the road. Texting, talking on the phone, eating, drinking, adjusting the radio, or attention to personal grooming are all examples of this. These diversions endanger not only the driver, but also passengers, pedestrians, and other motorists. Florida's Distracted Driving Laws There are specific laws addressing distracted driving on Florida roadways, particularly when it comes to using electronic devices while behind the wheel. There are special rules in Florida regarding distracted driving, particularly when it comes to using electronic devices while driving. Texting and driving: According to Florida Statute 316.305, texting while driving is considered a primary offense. This means that law enforcement officers can stop and issue a citation if they observe a driver texting. Fines for a first-time offense range from $30 to $60, with subsequent offenses resulting in higher fines and potential points added to your driving record. Wireless communication devices: While texting is explicitly prohibited, Florida law does not ban all use of wireless communication devices. Drivers are still allowed to use their devices for GPS navigation or to make phone calls. However, it is highly recommended to use hands-free options, such as Bluetooth or speakerphone, to minimize the [...]