Many car accidents are unavoidable.  The physical and psychological effects of a traumatic event like a vehicle accident can linger for weeks, months, or even years after the incident. Back pain is among the most prevalent complaints among auto accident patients. It’s vital to realize that this is a common problem and that you have choices for receiving help if you have recently been in a car accident and are now having back pain several weeks later.

Following a car accident, many of our clients at Tucker Law experienced back discomfort. Numerous conditions, such as whiplash, ruptured discs, or even spinal cord damage, might contribute to the pain. It’s crucial to contact a doctor as soon as you can if you’ve just been in a car accident and are having back discomfort. A physician will be able to identify the cause of your pain and choose the most appropriate course of action.

A personal injury lawyer should be consulted if you were involved in a car accident and are still suffering from back discomfort several weeks later. The team at Tucker Law is here to assist you. We recognize how challenging it may be to deal with the physical and psychological effects of a car accident. To make sure you receive the compensation you are entitled to for your pain and suffering, lost earnings, and medical costs, our skilled accident attorney will work with you.

One of the most frequent sorts of injuries in an automobile collision is a back injury. There are several reasons for this.

First off, a car crash’s power can cause the body to move erratically and violently, placing strain on the spine and the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that surround it. In a rear-end collision, for instance, the sudden acceleration and deceleration can whip the head and neck back and forth, causing whiplash and possibly injuring the spinal cord and other back structures.

In addition, the body may be thrown against the seat, steering wheel, or other hard surfaces in a high-impact collision, possibly fracturing or dislocating the vertebrae.

The fact that modern cars have become safer in many respects while also being less forgiving in others is another factor that contributes to back injuries in auto accidents. Airbags, seat belts, and enhanced crumple zones all serve to lower the possibility of suffering a catastrophic injury, but they also increase the possibility that the body may absorb more of the shock of a collision.

In conclusion, because of the combination of the physical forces involved and the design of contemporary cars, back injuries are so frequent in car accidents. If a crash leaves a victim with back discomfort, it’s critical for them to get medical attention and think about hiring a personal injury lawyer.

First off, “whiplash” can be caused by the car’s abrupt acceleration and deceleration. The lumbar spine and the accompanying muscles, tendons, and ligaments can be severely strained by this quick movement of the head and neck.

In addition, the body may be violently flung against the seat in a high-impact rear-end crash, forcing the lumbar spine to abruptly and quickly bend and extend. This quick movement may result in a herniated disc, sprains, or strains by damaging the discs, ligaments, and muscles in the lower back.

The lumbar spine may experience compression forces as a result of the crash, which could lead to vertebral fractures or dislocations. These kinds of wounds can be extremely severe since they can cause mobility problems, nerve damage, and chronic discomfort.

Don’t delay to seek assistance if you’ve been in a car accident and are feeling discomfort in your back. Make an appointment for a free consultation with a skilled personal injury attorney by calling Tucker Law at 1-800-TuckerWins right away. We are here to assist you in receiving the settlement you are due and in beginning your journey to recovery.