Fort Lauderdale Catastrophic Injury Lawyer
When you’re involved in an accident, the injuries may be catastrophic. These injuries can lead to lifelong impacts that change your ability to do things you once loved and your ability in some cases to take care of yourself.
If you have suffered a catastrophic injury, contact a Fort Lauderdale personal injury lawyer to help you overcome your injuries. At Tucker Law ®, we are prepared to help you get compensated for your suffering and get the support you need legally to get compensated for your losses. When you are ready to speak to a Fort Lauderdale catastrophic injury lawyer, we are here to help.
What Are Catastrophic Injuries?
When you are involved in an accident, you may suffer many injuries that vary in severity. But what does it mean to suffer a catastrophic injury?
Catastrophic injuries are injuries that may have permanent debilitating effects on your health. These injuries can change your ability to do normal tasks, work, and even care for yourself. You may need around-the-clock care, for example.
Many people who suffer catastrophic injuries are left with a lifetime of changes to their health. You may have been involved in a slip and fall or car accident and suffered a traumatic brain injury, for example, or a spinal injury may have left you paralyzed and unable to use your legs. You may have even lost the use of a limb or may have lost a limb entirely.
If unsure whether you have suffered a serious injury, talk to your Fort Lauderdale catastrophic injury lawyer about your options. They can help you get the answers and take the right steps toward full compensation.
Accidents That Cause Catastrophic Injuries
Some accidents are more likely to cause devastating traumatic brain injury and other catastrophic injuries. These high-speed accidents involving machinery or vehicles often lead to these catastrophic injuries.
Below are a few accident types we take that may have caused a catastrophic injury for you or a loved one:
- Motor vehicle accidents including a car accident in Fort Lauderdale, as well as truck accidents and motorcycle accidents
- Boating accidents
- Wrongful death
- Slip-and-fall accidents
- Workplace and construction accidents
- Medical malpractice
If you have suffered any of these accidents or believe you are due substantial compensation for catastrophic injury, contact a Fort Lauderdale injury lawyer for more information. We have the tools you need to get answers and overcome the suffering you have experienced.
Compensation for Catastrophic Injury Victims
When you are involved in an accident and have suffered a catastrophic injury, you may need significant compensation before overcoming your injuries. These injuries can be expensive, and the at-fault party may have been especially negligent with your health, leading to other damages accident victims may be due.
Because of this, you may need a lawyer on your side to calculate what your claim is worth. Without the help of an attorney, it is easy to settle for less than you are due, leaving you struggling to overcome the injuries you have suffered. Ensure you are asking for the funds before you ever head to court.
Insurance Companies Are Not On Your Side
Many victims of catastrophic injuries may think they can simply turn to their insurance company. For example, you may receive treatment for the severe burns you have suffered, and now you are hoping your insurance company will cover the costs of your medical care. Unfortunately, you may find yourself facing a denial.
Insurance companies often do everything they can to avoid offering their customers a settlement, which can significantly impact your recovery. Accident lawyers understand this and serve clients who need the most compensation for their injuries. We are prepared to use any evidence needed, from testimony from medical experts to eyewitness accounts, to get you compensated fully and fairly.
Economic Damages
A catastrophic injury can be costly. You may need help recovering compensation if you have been in the hospital for weeks or even months, accruing major medical bills and experiencing multiple surgeries, and you may need future care such as surgeries, lost wages or lost earnings, rehabilitation, or household accommodations for your injuries. You may even be unable to work for months or even a lifetime.
Any financial costs such as these should be included in your economic damages. Your lawyer has the tools to add up these damages and to estimate future damages you may be due. For example, you may have future medical expenses and future surgeries that you must have because of your injuries, but it is not time yet for you to have them because you need to heal.
Your Fort Lauderdale catastrophic injury lawyer can help you estimate these amounts and future costs for your personal injury claim and get the just compensation you need.
Non-Economic Damages
A catastrophic injury affects more than your finances. These traumatic injuries can leave significant mental and emotional scars that impact your life. However, they do not have a financial aspect like economic damages.
Because of this, you may need a lawyer’s special tools to calculate these damages based on the severity and impact of your injuries. For example, knowing what your pain and suffering are worth can be challenging without a lawyer’s tools. If you are unsure about these damages, including disfigurement, emotional trauma, chronic pain, and mental anguish, talk to a lawyer about your options and what you may be due for your claim.
Punitive Damages
In some cases, your injuries may not have happened if someone wasn’t acting grossly negligent. That means they were not just acting careless with your safety but actively endangering you. In these cases, you may have grounds to seek punitive damages.
Punitive damages are not meant to cover a specific loss you have suffered because of your catastrophic injury. Instead, these damages are meant to punish the wrongdoer. These damages are awarded in hopes of preventing similar future activity. Because getting compensated for these damages can be difficult, contact a lawyer to guide you. If you were due these damages, your lawyer can ensure you get the necessary funds.
Fort Lauderdale Catastrophic Injury FAQ
After a catastrophic injury, you may have many questions and not many answers. A catastrophic injury can be difficult to navigate, and without legal support, it is easy to make mistakes in a personal injury case.
In these catastrophic injury cases, you may need help from an attorney to get the answers you need before you file a claim. If you are recovering maximum compensation and need guidance, contact an experienced personal injury attorney and check out the questions below to learn more while you wait for your appointment.
How can I afford an attorney?
When many people think of hiring an attorney, they think of hourly rates and hidden fees they don’t expect. However, injury lawyers do not work on hourly rates. Our personal injury law firm instead works on a contingency fee basis. That means you will pay a portion of your compensation at the end of your lawsuit. If you do not win, you do not pay anything.
What is my catastrophic injury claim worth?
Unfortunately, estimating your catastrophic injury damages can be difficult without knowing exactly what serious injuries are and how severely you suffered them. For example, brain injuries may require different treatment from a spinal cord injury, but both are severe and even catastrophic. Likewise, you may have complications with your injury.
While we cannot give a round estimate for everyone, we can provide personalized information when you work with one of our lawyers. We offer one-on-one attention to all our clients, ensuring they know exactly what their claim is worth and never settle for less than what they are due.
Do I have a deadline to file my injury claim?
When you have suffered a catastrophic injury, the clock starts ticking as soon as your accident happens. You only have a limited time to file, and if you do not file within these time limits, you may be dismissed and not receive the compensation you were due.
In South Florida, you only have four years to file your claim. You must act as soon as possible because time can pass quickly, especially when facing severe injuries and long recovery periods. Fortunately, your attorney can guide you through the details of your accident claim and can ensure you are acting within the time limits set by state law.
What evidence do I need for a catastrophic injury?
When facing a Fort Lauderdale personal injury claim, you need evidence to show you have suffered permanent consequences for another person’s negligence. This may include medical records, witness statements, and other information. Your personal injury lawyer can help you seek this information and act now.
How do I know what attorney to choose?
When filing personal injury lawsuits, choosing a lawyer that is right for your claim is vital. You want a lawyer who is ready to get your case settled for the maximum compensation you are due. The right lawyer should provide great service and act in your best interest. Call us to learn more about our services if you want a lawyer like that.
Speak with a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale
After a serious injury, it can be difficult to overcome your suffering and get your life back on track. You may now face permanent disabilities you did not before, making it more difficult and expensive to recover.
That is why speaking with a catastrophic injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale is so important. A lawyer from Tucker Law ® will have the tools and experience you need on your side when you are injured and suffering. We even offer free initial consultations so our clients know what to expect before entering the courtroom.
If you are ready to speak to a lawyer and learn more about what you need to know for your case, reach out for a free consultation by calling or filling out the online contact form.
Tucker Law’s main office is located at 800 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 300 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316, about 20 minutes from Fort Lauderdale Beach, less than a mile away from Fort Lauderdale Riverwalk, and about 5 minutes away from the Museum of Discovery and Science. Port Everglades is only 15 minutes away. Matthew Sean Tucker, the principal attorney at Tucker Law, is your trusted source for addressing both personal injury and intellectual property matters. With a proven history of expertise and success, Tucker Law ensures your legal representation instills confidence in every aspect of your case. Call Tucker Law today at 1-800-882-5379 with further questions.
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