Truck Driver NegligenceÂ
Due to how large and heavy commercial trucks are, every truck driver must undergo intensive training and testing for a commercial truck license. These types of vehicles are difficult to maneuver in the best of conditions. One wrong move, and it can lead to disaster.
Federal laws lay the foundation for commercial driver’s license requirements designed to keep everyone on the road safe. However, that’s not always the case as truck accidents dominate our South Florida roads. For trucking accidents, you need an experienced Fort Lauderdale truck accident attorney from Tucker Law to help prove the trucker’s negligent acts caused your accident for your compensation.
The size of these trucks and their power are often the cause behind wrongful death claims. Even if you survive a truck accident, you may endure the after effects of your injuries for a lifetime.
A truck driver’s negligence can completely change your life in a split second. With Tucker Law, you’ll have the responsive representation you need to fight for the compensation you deserve.
Common Forms of Truck Driver Negligence
There are many ways a truck driver can be negligent. Some may violate the federal laws and regulations they are required to follow. Others may disregard basic traffic laws. Here are some examples of negligent truck driver behavior.
Lack of Training
All truckers must have proper training to operate their vehicles. This includes how to drive the truck, handling the load, and how to safely drive a vehicle of this weight and size in all kinds of weather. Without the right level of training, it significantly increases the risk for a truck accident.
Aggressive Driving
When deadlines are tight, truckers may put the pedal to the metal and step on the gas. Speeding only enhances a deadly outcome, as does following too closely, changing lanes haphazardly, and engaging in other reckless driving moves just to get a shipment to a destination on time.
Exceeding the Federal Mandates on Hours
There’s no doubt that truckers have a tough job to do. However, there are federal mandates on the amount of hours they are permitted to drive at a time. Some drivers will ignore these laws to get their delivery there. Even worse, some trucking companies will allow it.
Driving Under the Influence
Being intoxicated behind the wheel is illegal for any driver. When it comes to truckers though, the size and weight of their vehicles combined with drugs or alcohol can have catastrophic results. Some truckers may take medications that help them stay alert and awake on the road while others may endure the after effects of taking sleeping pills when they’re resting. Either way, it diminishes their ability to drive safely and react in time to any obstacles.
Failing to Secure Cargo
Truck drivers must follow proper protocol for checking their load. The federal mandates require them to stop after 50 miles and check, then check every 150 miles to ensure the load is secure. Without checking, they could drive off with an improperly loaded vehicle that will rollover, jackknife, or unleash a fury of heavy objects off the back and into traffic.
Using the Phone
Federal law prohibits all truckers from texting or talking on handheld devices while they are driving. They need to be able to use both hands to take command of their massive vehicles and have their eyes on the road to avert disaster.
Most truck drivers are skilled and diligent about performing the duties of their job in accordance with the law. Unfortunately though, there are some that do not take these things seriously. When a trucker doesn’t use proper caution while driving or endangers others by being negligent, a truck accident lawyer at Tucker Law can help you hold them liable.
How Can You Prove a Trucker Was Negligent?
In order to hold a truck driver liable for injuries you or a loved one sustained in a truck accident, you must prove they were negligent. With the help of Tucker Law, you will have support to show the trucker’s negligence caused your injuries.
Truck accident lawyers know how to reach accident reconstruction experts. They will interview witnesses, submit photographic evidence of the accident scene, dig into the driver’s training and driving records, and review the driver’s logbook to see if the driver was breaking the law by being on the road for longer than the 11-hour requirement.
As the victim in a truck accident, you have endured enough with endless medical bills, property damage, trauma, pain and suffering, and lost wages. Because truck accidents are so much more devastating, many victims in these accidents are unable to return to work. You need a law firm that will stop at nothing to recover your compensation so you can put your life back on track.
What to Do If You Suspect Truck Driver Negligence in Your Truck Accident Case
Truck accidents are even more terrifying than any other kind of accident. They often leave victims with severe injuries or leave families grieving the loss of a loved one. If you have endured a truck accident and suspect the trucker was negligent, don’t try to deal with the insurance company yourself.
You need an experienced personal injury attorney in Fort Lauderdale that understands your plight. With Tucker Law on your side, you will have someone working on your behalf to prove the trucker was negligent. You won’t have to pay anything unless you receive a settlement or win your lawsuit. Call now to get a free, no-obligation initial consultation to discuss your case.
Tucker Law’s main office is located at 800 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 300 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316, about 20 minutes from Fort Lauderdale Beach, less than a mile away from Fort Lauderdale Riverwalk, and about 5 minutes away from the Museum of Discovery and Science. Port Everglades is only 15 minutes away. Matthew Sean Tucker, the principal attorney at Tucker Law, is your trusted source for addressing both personal injury and intellectual property matters. With a proven history of expertise and success, Tucker Law ensures your legal representation instills confidence in every aspect of your case. Call Tucker Law today at 1-800-882-5379 with further questions.
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