Florida Cruise Ship Accident Attorney

Tucker Law® regularly helps clients with the complex area of law when injuries occur on cruise ships.  Injury Lawyer Matthew Sean Tucker prides himself on helping clients vigorously pursue cruise ship claims.  From poorly made repairs to drownings to liquids on the ground, injuries are much more common on cruise ships than many realize.  We can help!

Cruise Ship Slip and Fall

Slip and Falls on cruise ships are much more common than many tourists realize.  Wet decks, spilled drinks, along with windy conditions and rocking boats, makes for a dangerous situation when ship doesn’t keep the floors clean and dry.  From small children to the elderly, there are many factors that lead to serious injuries on cruise ships when a fall occurs.  In many cases, the injury victims experience severe pain and suffering because they cannot seek adequate medical attention until the cruise ship returns to port.    Tucker Law® rocks the ship and wins.

Cruise Infections

An Accident is stressful but virus outbreaks, such as norovirus or Covid-19 can ravage an entire ship. When a cruise ship puts profits before safety and cleanliness, virus outbreaks can be devastating for so many aboard.  While you are locked in your cabin, you may wonder whether you have any recourse for the conditions on the ship.  In many cases, you do.  Take pictures.  Take videos.  And document the conditions on the ship.  Contact our firm as soon as possible to discuss your illness.  In many cases, we can seek compensation on your behalf.  Tucker Law® wins.

Cruise Ship Wrongful Death

An Accident is stressful but virus outbreaks, such as norovirus or Covid-19 can ravage an entire ship. When a cruise ship puts profits before safety and cleanliness, virus outbreaks can be devastating for so many aboard.  While you are locked in your cabin, you may wonder whether you have any recourse for the conditions on the ship.  In many cases, you do.  Take pictures.  Take videos.  And document the conditions on the ship.  Contact our firm as soon as possible to discuss your illness.  In many cases, we can seek compensation on your behalf.  Tucker Law® wins.

Excursion Injury

Cruise Ships will make you sign a release to go on an excursion. However, that may not prevent you from seeking compensation when injured on the excursion if the excursion company or cruise liner is negligent. Call Tucker Law to discuss the facts surrounding the excursion to determine whether you have a claim that may be pursued. It is important to contact the firm as soon as possible to review the case and investigate facts relevant to liability.

Cruise Drownings

Drownings are extremely preventable. But that doesn’t stop drownings in Cruise Ship pools and overboard incidents. The Cruise Ships may be slow to react and waste precious minutes that could have saved a loved one from drowning. Additionally, the majority of Cruise Ships lack life guards that could save or resuscitate drowning victims. Finally, many ships lack required technology to quickly deal with overboard situations. If you or a family member suffered injury or death from a Cruise Ship drowning, Don’t Just Lawyer Up, Tucker Up today.

Cruise Ship Fires

When there is a fire in a building, usually you exit the building as quickly as possible.  On a Cruise Ship, you can’t leave.  When fires strike on a cruise ship, the danger is extreme because it generally occurs in the middle of the ocean with no way of exiting ship safely.   Most fires are preventable.  Thus, if you are the victim of a preventable fire aboard a ship, contact the firm to learn your legal rights.  Burns and smoke inhalation are just some of the injuries you may have suffered.  Call Tucker Law® today. 1-800-TUCKERWINS.

Recent Wins


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Dog Bite Verdict


Cruise Ship Injury


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Verdict


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Slip and Fall Verdict


Cruise Ship Fall


Dog Bit Settlement


Slip and Fall Judgment


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement


Car Accident Settlement

*Amounts before attorney and medical fees and costs. Each case is unique – clients may or may not obtain the same or similar results.

Cruise Ship Accident Help

If you have suffered an injury on a cruise ship due to the fault of another, such as a crew member or even anther passenger, you may have the right to receive financial compensation.  The ship also may render poor medical care, which is further compensable.  Matthew Sean Tucker will enforce your legal rights to compensation and negotiate with the cruise liner. Our Florida personal injury attorney is ready to help you or your loved ones right now.

Contact Matthew Sean Tucker at Tucker Law as soon as you can after an cruise ship accident. We have multiple offices across Florida to best serve you.

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If you have suffered a Cruise Ship injury at the fault of a crew member or other passenger, you may have the right to receive financial compensation from the cruise liner. It’s important to pursue your claim as quickly as possible. Florida Attorney Matthew Sean Tucker is ready to help you or your loved ones right now.

No Risk Guarantee

How We Work On Injury Cases

Our Usual Process

  • Get Started Right Away. The first thing you should do is hire an attorney with knowledge and litigation experience involving injuries. Tucker Law has obtained large six figure jury verdicts in car crashes and slip and falls.

  • Medical Treatment. Following a car crash, medical treatment is paramount for you to get better, but also important for documenting your injuries. Insurance companies pounce on folks that don’t seek medical care immediately after a car crash.
  • Contact Cruise Company. Contacting the crusie company right away is important.  These cases are brought under contract law generally and have certain requirements that be met to proceed properly.  Also, the statute of limitations is much shorter in a cruise ship injury case.

  • Negotiation. Because the majority of case settle without going to trial, negotiation is an important part of your case. Negotiation doesn’t end with filing a lawsuit–and it generally includes much more than simply dollars and cents. Tucker Law will begin negotiating aspects of your case almost as soon as we are hired and usually continues until the moment a jury reads their verdict.
  • Jury Trial. Some lawyers have never seen the inside of a court room. Insurance companies know which attorneys file suit and which ones won’t. Tucker Law tries cases and that has resulted in better results for clients.

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Office open Mon-Fri 9:00am- 5pm / Phones are open 24/7

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Whether you are injured or have an idea for an invention, Tucker Law has the ability to meet clients anywhere in Florida. Ask our staff about our mobile office. That is why we can meet clients with our 32 foot mobile office anywhere. From driving to the scene of a crash, to meeting with accident victims at their house or other safe locations, our mobile office can help you regardless of your location or your ability to drive.

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